tisdag 5 februari 2013

Hey how can i help you? And...Drag Teens?

Hey people! I've had a really intense week so far, and we're on day two!
So i might get a job in the coming days, and that will probably eliminate the opportunity to be a busker(street performer for cash..right?).
But my dream wasn't ever to become a customer support guy, and i will pursure a career in music as i always did, slow but steady progress ;).

The european song contest called Eurovision Song Contest is starting to shape up and the Swedish participation song is soon being elected by votes and stuff.
I dont personally follow this competition often unless there's a rock or metal band involved but i checked out some on youtube and found this guy who apparently is big in Japan but is a Swede.

Personally i dont like it much, and his clothes doesnt change my mind... i mean, its a song contest not a drag queen contest for teenagers right? :)
And the song itself is OK, and is different from the other contestants but it lacks that oomph and the bass. What do you think about it?
Yohio - Heartbreak Hotel ...wtf.

Have a good one!

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